Sunday 24 December 2017

Resolution for Revolution - Revolution Series

How well can we reach our resolution targets? Do we actually reach it? Or do we just have resolutions for fun? 
Here is a simple 4 step process for us to reach our resolutions! 
Just follow them and you will be more than happy to witness yourself reach your targets.
Remember, it is YOU who can do it and nobody else! 
Meet Satvik Babu - 16 year old kid who has started off to work on his resolutions and become a successful person. Satvik's has started off "The Target" along with Sujith to inspire youngsters to make wonders. 
Satvik & Sujith are ready to create a revolution! ARE YOU READY? 

Lets create a strong resolution for this new year and create wonders!

With Love,
Ganesh Datta Lakkur

Wish you all a very happy new year! 

Special Mention:
Achieve School of Education
Thoughts from "Think and Grow Rich" - Napolean Hill

Saturday 16 December 2017

Societal Mindset - Revolution Series

We are in a society where, children are allowed only to listen to their teachers and not question them. Do you really think children would ever learn to think in their own capacities? It's time for the society to change minds and give space to all the kids around. This is a start to the revolutionary process of thinking! Just remember, you are giving space to the creation of a strong intellectual community around you! 
Children are not to be forced to take up careers they hate, give them a chance to learn something they love and you will see a society which would accept anyone and everyone with warm hearts and love.
Do like, share and subscribe to this video and my channel. 

Shot completely on OnePlus 3T.

With love, 
Ganesh Datta Lakkur

Special Mention.
Pavan RC - Founder - ASOE School
Aachieve Academy
All the kids of AA

Resolution for Revolution - Revolution Series

How well can we reach our resolution targets? Do we actually reach it? Or do we just have resolutions for fun?  Here is a simple 4 s...